Answers to quizzes

Answers to Mini Quiz 1

Possible solutions to phrases with 'up'

1. take up (start)

2. look up (search for)

3. blow up (explode)

4. set up (arrange)

5. show up (arrive)

6. get up (get out of bed)

 7. end up (achieved result or condition) 

8. crack up (go crazy) 

9. back up (save a copy)

Possible solutions to phrases with 'out'

1. burn out (become exhausted)

2. carry out (perform an action or a plan)

3. check out (investigate),

4. find out (discover) 

5. fill out (complete a form or application) 

6. back out (withdraw from a commitment) 

7. figure out (find the answer)

Possible solutions to phrases with 'in'

1.  drop in (visit) 

2.  give in (end opposition, agree) 

3. join in (participate)

4. hand in (submit a report),

5. butt in (interrupt) 

6. cave in (collapse) 

7. fit in (get on with people) 

8. kick in (contribute money)

Answers to Mini Quiz 2

1.   than

2.   against

3.   within

4.   at

5.   by

6.   for

7.   under

8.   by

9.   into

10.  although

11.  along

12. per

13. except

14. since

15. by