Mini les 4
How to pronounce –ed
All regular verbs end in –ed in the simple past and the past participle
3 ways to pronounce the –ed:>span class="Apple-converted-space"> ‘id’ ‘d’ ‘t’
1) If the verb ends in a T or a D the –ed ending is pronounced ‘id’ (sounds like ‘did’) and it is an extra syllable: want-id, end-id
2) If the verb ends in a P, PH, TCH, SH, S, K, X the –ed ending is pronounced
as a ‘t’ and there is no extra syllable: hope-hoped, laugh-laughed, watch-watched, like-liked, etc.
3) With all other sounds, the –ed is pronounced like a ‘d’ and there is
no extra syllable: play-played, allow-allowed, beg-begged
How to pronounce 'ch'
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1) The 'hard' sound as in character, charisma, chaos, ache, echo, chemist (sounds like a 'k')
2) The 'soft' sound as in chocolate, children, choice, chicken, chair,
beach, each, lunch, much, chat
3) The 'sh' sound as in chef, machine, parachute, pistachio, chauffeur,
TIP: nation also has the 'sh' sound (option, caution)
How to pronounce 'gh'
There are two sounds for 'gh' when found at the end of a word
1) 'Silent' as in through, though, dough
2). Like an 'f' as in cough, enough, tough, rough
How to pronounce 'ou'
There are four sounds for 'ou'
1) Rhymes with 'KOE': through ('threw' sounds exactly the same)
2) Rhymes with 'het LOO': though, dough
3) Rhymes with (no sound in het Nederlands, sorry )-: ) 'uh', 'duh: enough, rough, tough
4) Rhymes with 'awesome', awful; cough
How to pronounce 's' and 'z'
There are two sounds for 's'
1) The 'hiss' which sounds like a snake or a kettle boiling 'ssssssss': kiss, miss, gas
2) The 'z' as in 'ZOU', ZULKE': has, is, was, choose, chose, lose,
How to pronounce 'v' and 'w'
There is only one sound for 'v' which sounds like the Dutch 'w': very, vote, vacuum, vampire
Wednesday, whether, weather, why, where, when,>span class="Apple-converted-space"> (NOT WHO: which sounds like 'HOE')
How to pronounce the 'f'
There is only one sound for 'f'. which sounds like the Dutch 'v': fish, friendly, for, foot
How to pronounce 'oo'
There are two sounds for 'oo'
1) Rhymes with 'OE': boot, shoot, toot
2) Rhymes with 'duh': foot, look, took, good
How to pronounce 'g'
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1) The 'soft' 'g' as in George, generation, geography, gym, age, rage, energy
2) The 'hard' 'g' as in garden, go, grade, good